MIAPPE v1.1 Validation
isa4j is able to validate given investigation, study, or assay object against the Minimum Information About A Plant Phenotyping Standard (https://www.miappe.org/). You can also use the constants defined in MIAPPEv1x1
to make sure you spell the field headers correctly and make use of your IDE’s auto-completion feature. Here is a small example showcasing the validation procedure:
import java.io.IOException;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Assay;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Characteristic;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Comment;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Investigation;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Process;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Protocol;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Sample;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Source;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.components.Study;
import de.ipk_gatersleben.bit.bi.isa4j.configurations.MIAPPEv1x1;
public class SimpleMIAPPEExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Investigation myInvestigation = new Investigation("myInvestigationID");
/* MIAPPE defines a set of required and optional pieces of information for the investigation file
* modeled as comments, you can add them by supplying the corresponding constant
myInvestigation.comments().add(new Comment(MIAPPEv1x1.InvestigationFile.INVESTIGATION_LICENSE, "MIT"));
myInvestigation.comments().add(new Comment(MIAPPEv1x1.InvestigationFile.MIAPPE_VERSION, "1.1"));
/* Comments like these can also be added to study and assay objects */
Study myStudy = new Study("myStudyID", "s_study1.txt");
myStudy.comments().add(new Comment(MIAPPEv1x1.InvestigationFile.STUDY_START_DATE, "2020-07-23"));
Protocol plantTalking = new Protocol("Plant Talking");
Assay myAssay = new Assay("a_assay.txt");
/* When you have completed all the info in your configuration file, you can validate it against
* the MIAPPEv1.1 standard by calling the validate function in the InvestigationFile class.
* It will throw an exception here because not all required fields and protocols are required,
* if the validation is been successful, the function returns a boolean true.
try {
/* Objects in Study and Assay files can be populated with defined Characteristics analogously */
Source source = new Source("OverallSource");
source.addCharacteristic(new Characteristic(MIAPPEv1x1.StudyFile.GENUS, "Arabodipsis"));
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Sample sample = new Sample("Sample " + i);
sample.addCharacteristic(new Characteristic(MIAPPEv1x1.StudyFile.OBSERVATION_UNIT_TYPE, "pot"));
/* plantTalking is a Protocol defined above */
Process talkingProcess = new Process(plantTalking);
/* The study file can be validated as well, but there is a catch: You need to call the validate function AFTER
* at least one line has been written (that's when the headers are resolved) but BEFORE you close the file or
* release the stream. So here we are doing it in the first iteration of your loop, alternatively you could do it
* after the loop (but before closing the file), then you would only run the risk of rendering the whole file and only
* finding out afterwards whether it is compliant with MIAPPEv1.1.
if(i == 0)
/* Here would be another option to validate the file */
/* The Assay file works completely analogously, just using the constants and methods in MIAPPEv1x1.AssayFile */
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Whoops, something went wrong!");
The MIAPPEv1.1 configuration we are validating is modeled after the XML files at https://github.com/MIAPPE/ISA-Tab-for-plant-phenotyping at commit 0e1a29d
(October 2019). We are planning to support other standards in the future (MIAME, MINSEQE, CIMR) and have therefore created a Ruby script which translates configuration XML files into a Java validation class like MIAPPEv1x1
, automating most of the work and leaving only some manual curation tasks. You can find it in the source code at src/main/resources/de/ipk_gatersleben/bit/bi/isa4j/configurations/config_from_xmls.rb
if you are curious, but at this point it is not an official (or very well documented) part of isa4j.